Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wet Wet Wet

Well we had the trial this weekend. We started on Friday with 3 runs. The weather was warm and nice. This was the first outdoors run of the year and I was very exicted about the whole thing. Mama and Auntie Mary had set up our tent just inside the exit so I had a ball greeting absolutely everybody who came in, I just love saying hi to all and get nice scratches, kisses and hello from them all.
The first run of the day was a Steeplechase, I have only run one of those before but I was ready as was Mama, we started out OK, but then we came to the weaves and I just had to take a look around to see who was there, Mama tried to make me go faster but I did not really feel like it. I got going again but then there was this pinwheel and once again I just had to look around in between 2 jumps. I ran clean but Mama says we ran in 47 sec and only had 41 so we did not get a nice red ribbon (Q). After the steeplechase there was a Jumper and again my nose and curiosity got the better of me and I went in the wrong direction = no red Ribbon here either. The last run was a Standard, it was pretty good, but then Mama wanted me to take the weaves right next to the A-Frame and oh well you know what I chose, the A-Frame, I just love that thing so much fun to go up and down. Mama still told me I was a good girl and I even got treats, my Mama is very nice.
The next day, Saturday, was another story, it rained rained and then rained some more. I don't have a lot of fur, Mama calls it hair, not fur, so I get wet very easily. I don't know how they can expect me to run fast and clean in weather like that, Mama had clothes on I only had my hair. We were supposed to run 8 runs, we ended up only doing 6 Mama finally said "enough" oh was I happy I just wanted to go home and get warm. So all in all it was not a good Trial for Q's. We have another trial this week on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 16 runs hopefully we will get a couple of Q's Mama says we need them for the ATCH. I promise to do my very best. It is only 4 runs a day I do think I can handle that, don't you?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Getting Ready

Hi again, the first post was Mama writing but this is my blog so in the future it will be me, Missy, who writes. Mama is a bit stressed out, she says we have a full weekend ahead of us with trials and many runs, she says 11 runs, but I can't really count I will just run whatever Mama tells me to run. I love my agility, especially the A-frame, I love to run full speed up and full speed down and would like to just run off, but Mama keeps yelling "spot" at the end, it cuts into my speed and fun, but I am a good girl so I stop and "spot" mostly with my butt on the grass. I know I am supposed to keep that little butt of mine on the frame but it is hard to stop like that. We have been training a lot lately especially the gambler, Mama keeps telling me "out", I run out but Mama has the tendency to point in the wrong direction and I can't see which obstacle she wants me to take, so I just take whatever is there I want to have fun fun fun. Mama tells me we are going to Club Agility Montreal (AAC) for the first trial outdoors, can't wait all those delicious smells in the grass. It is such a lovely place and I know, I can smell them, that many small animals have been visiting during the winter I hope Mama will give me permission to smell them out, but I doubt it. Should I ignore her and just smell? I am a terrier and we live by out noses, but Mama has delicious stuff in her pouch so what to do? What is better the smells or the treats? Well I will decide tomorrow and will come back and tell you all about it. We are supposed to get something called Q's, I will just do my best and have fun.